Saturday, October 5, 2024

Unplanned Hospital Admission

Caroline spiked a fever late yesterday afternoon, which led us to the Vandy ER for bloodwork and a precautionary IV antibiotic. Once a bed opened up on the oncology floor, she was admitted for continued testing and observation. Her ANC (immune system) is currently at 0.0 which means her body has virtually no ability to fight off any viral or bacterial infections.

She will continue to receive IV antibiotics and will also get an IV Leukine infusion to try and help boost her counts. She spiked another fever around 2:30am, so for now we just wait and hope that she can get fever-free and hopefully go home in a couple days.

Overall, Caroline just feels "yucky" and tired today.

She did ask for an Acai bowl from UberEats, and ate a good bit of that, so we are encouraged that she is still eating.

Appreciate the prayers and continued support!

The Lantz Family


  1. Blessings and prayers! 🙏🙏🙏💚💚

  2. Praying for Caroline and the Lantz family. Hope the counts start to rebound and you can go home soon. God bless all of you.

  3. I hope you feel better soon and get to go home, spend time with your family, and have more acai bowls. Sending all my best wishes.
