Monday, October 7, 2024


After spending a long weekend at Vanderbilt for fever / fighting off something (undetermined), Caroline was discharged tonight and will now rest and recover at home. Barring any other unexpected issues this week, her next appointment will be Friday in clinic for lab work.

Thanks for all the support and prayers!

The Lantz Family

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Unplanned Hospital Admission

Caroline spiked a fever late yesterday afternoon, which led us to the Vandy ER for bloodwork and a precautionary IV antibiotic. Once a bed opened up on the oncology floor, she was admitted for continued testing and observation. Her ANC (immune system) is currently at 0.0 which means her body has virtually no ability to fight off any viral or bacterial infections.

She will continue to receive IV antibiotics and will also get an IV Leukine infusion to try and help boost her counts. She spiked another fever around 2:30am, so for now we just wait and hope that she can get fever-free and hopefully go home in a couple days.

Overall, Caroline just feels "yucky" and tired today.

She did ask for an Acai bowl from UberEats, and ate a good bit of that, so we are encouraged that she is still eating.

Appreciate the prayers and continued support!

The Lantz Family

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Immunotherapy Update

Caroline completed 2 outpatient infusions of Naxitamab this week...experiencing the expected side effects (mostly pain, itching and rash).   She also got bloodwork done while in clinic; her ANC (immune system) really plummeted over the past few days. Being immunocompromised is tricky because any little virus or bacteria can be very dangerous and land her in the hospital, so we'll keep her at home doing online school until we can get her counts tested again next week.

Although she looks and feels ok today, the inside of her little body has been battered by all the treatments over the (almost) seven years, particularly the harsh chemotherapies.  She is eating well/healthy, and seems to be hanging in there mentally (as well as can be expected battling cancer for the 3rd time).

We're so grateful for all the outreach, prayers, meals and support.

The Lantz Family