Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Scan Results - Tumor Growth

Caroline's scans results came back and unfortunately showed growth in the tumor, as well as an additional area of disease in her abdomen.

When we told Caroline the news and discussed potential options this morning, she immediately indicated she still wants to fight, even knowing the treatment options are limited and very harsh.

We're working with her team to decide the next best steps and will update this blog when we have a plan.

We are beyond devastated...and overwhelmed...and really need space to process this blow. We're all exhausted to the core and need to focus our energy on the kids, the best possible outcome for Caroline and keeping our family afloat. Please know that we read all of your supportive texts, messages, etc., but as you can imagine, our responses may be limited right now.

Thank you for the continued love, support and prayers for our family.
~ The Lantz Family


  1. Praying for miracles and our heavenly father’s peace to encapsulate you all 🙏🏼.

  2. Dear God, you have shown your mercy and healing for this precious child all this time. I pray that you continue to show your miraculous healing to the benefit of Caroline and her family and those of us who believe. Amen.

  3. Your Majestics sisters are praying for you Caroline! You are the strongest person we know!

  4. This horrific news is beyond words. Fight sweet Caroline❤️

  5. prayers for miracles, healing and hope for your brave girl and all of you.

  6. Our hearts are breaking for you and your whole family. Keep fighting the good fight Caroline. We love you all and are praying for better news 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  7. What a brave and beautiful young lady you are Carolyn! I pray for a Godly miracle that will cast out all cancer and return you to good normal health! God loves you and I love you ❤️💕

  8. Thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. 🙏❤️🙏

  9. What a brave amazing girl. I'm so sad the update is as it is. But so proud of Caroline wanting to continue to fight and beat this. Your family is in my prayers. I know it's hard on everyone and so painful for Caroline. I pray the medical team comes up with a great game plan. Please stay strong.

  10. Life can be tough ... but one has to stay strong and be confident for what tomorrow will bring. Miracles can happen!

  11. I am so very sorry that your family has received this news. Will continue to pray for Caroline and your family.

  12. Sending prayers 🙏. Keep fighting Caroline. Stay strong ❤️

  13. Heavenly Father, thank You for the love, grace and mercy at the cross. Jesus for your grace upon grace and your arms of faithful love. I ask Lord we can see your hand of healing, for You are a God of miracles. May we have one here Lord if it be Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.

  14. Praying for you all! Caroline, you are so brave!
