Monday, August 19, 2024

Cycle 2 Update

Caroline started Cycle 2 of her antibody treatment today; assuming all goes according to plan, she will get 3 total infusions this week.  Today’s cycle was relatively uneventful and the lingering side effects (irritable from steroid, itching, some pain and hot flashes) are seemingly under control with medication.

Based on how she felt the day after each treatment last cycle, it is unlikely she will go to school at all this week.  We will update the blog again later this week as this treatment progresses. 

Since we last posted, Caroline has started 5th grade and is doing well adjusting to her new school and has really enjoyed seeing old friends and making new!  She was able to enjoy some fun the last couple of weeks, including a great night out at the local county fair.

For those asking about ways to help: 
- Prayers for minimal side effects and maximum effectiveness 
- Amazon Wishlist (click here for link)

The Lantz Family

double lumen port access = two pokes

So grateful for the attentive nursing team that helped Caroline during the infusion.

Wiped after infusion...side effects under control with medication.

5th Grader!

Williamson County Fair

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