Wednesday, July 3, 2024

MIBG Scan / Update(ish)

Caroline's latest updates: 

~ the spot that appeared on Caroline's CT and PET scans last week also show up in her MIBG scan today, which confirms Neuroblastoma; all 3 of the scans picked up the single spot, which is also the same location as her 2022 relapse.

~ the Bone Marrow Biopsy sample from last week was inconclusive in determining if she has disease in her marrow, so Vanderbilt will repeat that test on 7/19.  Her bone marrow is really "beat" up after so many years of treatment, so not only is it hard to get a really good sample, it's also very painful for a few days following the procedure.

~ We've spent countless hours researching and consulting with multiple other hospitals and specialists across the country regarding potential treatments, clinical trials, etc.  We are in the process of getting a formal second opinion from Memorial Sloane Kettering in NYC and hope to hear their feedback sometime next week after they present Caroline's case to their internal Tumor Board.  

~ Caroline's case was presented to Vanderbilt's Tumor Board this afternoon and we are in continuous conversations to discuss their proposed treatment options.

Nothing about this process is quick, comforting or easy to digest...we've officially added "overwhelmed" to our shock and devastation.  We are hoping to have a plan in place by the end of next week and will post the update/plan on the blog as soon as we've decided.  In the meantime, thank you for all the prayers and offers of support.

The Lantz Family

90-minute MIBG scan laying perfectly still without sedation - she's a rockstar!!!


  1. Praying hard from The Longs who all adore your brave, spunky, little cowgirl!!!!

  2. Praying for Caroline and your entire family

  3. Wrapping everyone in prayer! “Miss Barbara “ and the Thales After Care Team!!!

  4. Praying for a good outcome! ❤️

  5. You are ALL ALWAYS in my prayers! Caroline is truly a rockstar and my little HERO❤️😘

  6. Keep fighting Caroline and know that the Bradford’s are praying for success in smashing this cancer! Wishes for a “Happy Birthday” on Monday!! With friendship, Bethany, Mr Lee, and Suzanne Bradford

  7. You are always at the top of my prayer list. Much love!!!

  8. Praying for some good news for your sweet daughter.
