Friday, July 26, 2024

Cycle 1 = Complete!

Caroline has officially completed Cycle 1 of her treatment plan for her relapsed neuroblastoma. The side effects from this immunotherapy are brutal. Her biggest struggle has been a full body rash that (per C) makes her skin feel like it's on fire from the inside out. She's also struggling with joint pain. It's torturous to witness; we can only imagine how it feels for Caroline.  It's been an exhausting, traumatic week that we're ready to put behind us.

Caroline has a couple appointments over the next few weeks and will start Cycle 2 the week of August 19th.  Please continue to pray that this treatment is working and that her side effects become more manageable.

Thank you for your continued love and support - the meals and gift cards have been a tremendous help and are greatly appreciated.

The Lantz Family

this pic was taken in the middle of the infusion - in addition to it being VERY painful, it also spikes her body temperature and causes joint pain (hence the ice packs and compression gloves)

Margaret had surgery yesterday, so Andrew went with Mark to meant so much to C that he was able to go, especially because it's one of his least favorite places...

1 comment:

  1. We are praying fervently over incredible Caroline for healing and strength your family, thankful He never leaves our side!

    Isaiah 26:3 — “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.”

    We are thankful and assured, knowing He loves Caroline, created her for a great purpose and has her in His care! God bless.
