Caroline has had a fun weekend! Uncle Paul came to visit (from Baltimore, in pics below), and they spent a lot of quality time together, doing whatever she asked to do! She had a lot of energy from her blood transfusion on Friday, as well as the effects of the Neupogen shots kicking in.
We will be returning to Clinic tomorrow to prepare her for the stem cell collection process. You can read more about the overall, long-term process here, but tomorrow's prep includes another double-dose of the Neupogen shot, blood draw for labs, another blood transfusion, and a blood platelets transfusion (amounts all depend on counts). The hope, and prayer requests, are for her counts to be high enough that she will only need one day of preparation before the procedure. If her counts are not high enough, she will repeat what she does in Clinic tomorrow, on Tuesday as well. After the Clinic preparation, she will be admitted into the hospital for surgery the following day (either Tuesday or Wednesday, depending), to insert a vascular catheter in her groin for the peripheral blood collection (aka - stem cell collection). They use an apheresis machine to collect the stem cells, which may/may not include an overnight hospital stay, and then the vascular catheter is removed the same day they are finished with the stem cell collection. The stem cells will be kept frozen at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital until the stem cell transplant phases, later in her treatment plan.
We will keep everyone posted on Caroline's progress along the way.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
~The Lantz Family
November 2017: diagnosed with Stage IV, High-Risk Neuroblastoma; Nov 2017-April 2019: completed standard treatment protocol / no evidence of disease; April 2019-April 2021: enrolled in/completed DFMO clinical trial; April 2022: RELAPSE; April 2022-June 2023: completed relapse treatment protocol / no evidence of disease (again); June 2023-June 2024: enrolled in “compassionate use” high-dose DFMO clinical trial; June 2024: RELAPSE #2
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