Monday, January 22, 2018

Folks, the steroids have left the building...for this round...thank goodness!  I am not sad to see them go, and not looking forward to them rearing their ugly head again during the upcoming chemo rounds.  As Caroline tapered off the steroids, the cloud started lifting, and she has been acting more and more like herself.  Everything seems much easier to deal with when she's her talkative, spunky, smiling self, despite all she is going through!

Vanderbilt Home Health has been coming each day to give Caroline her Neupogen shot.  It still hurts, and she still cries when she gets it, but she has a little routine, which seems to make it a little easier on her when they arrive.  Her routine (that she does herself!) is to freeze her arm with an ice pack (alternating between the right arm and left arm each day), sit on her bed, hold "Elephante" and a hand, while she sits in someone's lap.  She also likes to use her own band-aids from home (Shopkins and My Little Pony)...whatever works, right!?  The plan it still to try and collect her stem cells on Monday, 1/29, or close to that date.

Caroline was able to get outside over the weekend and enjoy the gorgeous weather - she took a couple stroller rides to the park to swing on the swings.  It tired her out, but she was so happy.

Thank you for the continued prayers - we can feel our prayer warriors behind us and pushing us forward.

Ray Lewis sent a video to Caroline, and reminded us of Isaiah 54:17 - "No weapon formed against you shall prosper."  She responded to him with a thank you video, and he tweeted that and another picture of Caroline out tonight!  We are very grateful for his support-Thank you #52!

Twitter Post #1

Twitter Post #2

Much Love,
The Lantz Family



  1. What a sweet happy face! I'm so glad that she's having better days this week. Thinking about all of you!

  2. So good to see her smiling again!!!

  3. Caroline, Brenna said you look beautiful in this photo honey! Sending our love pretty girl! Love, the Gamidos

  4. What a fun surprise for such a special girl. Praying always for Caroline and for you all..

  5. Hi Team Lantz, you are an inspiration to me. I remember you all every day in prayer.
    May the good days be many and may the tough ones make you stronger.
    Much love and many prayers, Mary D

  6. Glad the steroids our outta here! So glad there was a warm weekend where you guys could get out and enjoy. Love you
